I don't know why* I clicked on this item about how ugly the custody battle is getting between Christie Brinkley and her Peter Cook, but it's pretty amusing the shit people can come up with when they want to use the kids for spite:
Brinkley stubbornly balked at signing an agreement unless Cook acquiesced to her major demand - that he not make their two kids fly commercial during a level-red terror alert. "Mr. Cook is chagrined that he is being told he should not take his children on a commercial plane when there is a red alert," said Cook's attorney James Winkler.
The lawyer said Cook, 47, didn't want his children flying in a private jet either during a red warning.
But Pastoressa [the Judge] told Cook it wasn't worth fighting over, and sided with Brinkley, 52.
"I don't have a problem with a private jet," the judge said. "It's a whole different security issue."
How absurd. But at least the reporter who had to schlep out to Central Islip to coverthis nonsense had something to report on besides the fact that Christie wore black stockings with a tan corduroy skirt.
* I do know why. Because I would rather do ANYTHING than write this memo, or, for that matter, any memo or contractual provision or any other work product, or anything made, sold, or processed, on or in relation to any aspect of my practice area or any other legal practice area.