Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
One blog? One? And not even a leading blog, either. For all I know, that blog could be yours.
Are you effing kidding me?
On the right, we have the NRs, Malkin, Reynolds et al. About fifty (at last look) signed a petition to have Coulter banned from CPAC.
Slave: Will ANYONE say something?
Me: Someone did.
Slave: I didn't say ANYONE. I said EVERYONE. When will EVERYONE condemn these comments that have me in a snit but that other people may not even know about ?
And just to be beyond clear, I don't think anyone has any obligation to disavow Coulter unless they've done something to suggest that they stand with her on this. Romney took her endorsement at that same event, so I think it's reasonable to look to him. But Malkin and Reynolds? Who cares? (Unless they try to play the same game against the left. In which case they should be force to spend all day disavowing the worst statements of their ideological bedmates or be hoisted by their own petard.)