Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
Who is Saul Alinsky?
Soviet style Commie mentor of Hillary, before she turned to her RedChinese overlourds.
The truth is Hillary is another V.I. Lenin, trained in the law by her sponsors in order to subvert it. Of course looking at her, there are flashes of Stalin too, hell, she'd be an exact double if she hadn't waxed away her mustache. Billary and her subversive co-conspiring ilk in the DNC are running a shadow government and lusting for the day that al Qaeda and the Chinese communists bring the battle to the US so that they can launch their coup using the new police powers created in this War on Terror. This woman is a documented, criminally corrupt socialist, or to use a literary illusion an "Animal Farmer". Remember that the pigs were more equal, for readers of 'Animal Farm'
Before you liberals start whinging about tinfoiled hats, remember that the fact is that Hillary was a protege of
Saul Alinsky, a notorious and open Marxist. She's all about about power and makes no bones about her raw desire to subjugate the masses, a despot of gargantuan proportions and I'm not just referring to her calves and thighs. Her wake is littered with the bloody carnage of those who stood in her way.
More facts to mull over:
Hillary's sealed Wellesley thesis, the only thesis sealed in the school's history, was a paean to her mentor, the above mentioned Saul Alinsky and like Mein Kampf before it, details extensively her road map to overthrow the American way of life and install herself as Queen Bee, to wit, "Tell any lie for power."
Hillary interned under Communist Robert Treuhaft.
Hillary's terrorists eliminated Barbara Olson on September 11.
It is long rumoured that the CIA has been aware that from his earliest days Bill was turned at Oxford and given his control at Yale.
Between 1992-2000, Billary eviscerated the U.S. military, while simultaneously invigorating that of the PRC and North Korea. Coincidense?
The OK City bombing was no angry white man, but rather the result of Iraqi John Doe Number Two and Nichols joint venture with the Philippino Islamic wing of al Qaeda, Abu Sayeff.
Meanwhile, Co-presidents Clinton allowed Osama to remain free, spending more time attacking Bill Gates, Ken Starr, Rush Limbaugh, a baby aspirin factory in Somalia and a camel's anus in Afghanistan.
Billary sent Jimmy Carville to install Barak to betray Israel.
Quick, name 3 people she's killed, Vince Foster, Ron Brown, Jim McDougal. Too easy.
And, in another odd coincidence, former Congressman/ex-CIA head Porter Goss' then Chief of Staff, ex-CIA agent John Millis sucked a shotgun at the Breezeway Motel just days after calling Clinton "the worst president for counterintelligence ever".
People, the enemy is not at the gates, the enemy is knocking at the doors of the White House!!! HELP!!!!