Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
It's not an matter of harm or daylight between the Right and the Left. It's a matter of shining a light on the Left's motivations and goals.
As I said, you and I can disagree about why the Left is quiet on the Iran thing. I think it's because they have a pattern and practice of not addressing such things because it doesn't help their limited agenda. You think it's implied they loathe what Iran did, so saying it's not necessary. We could argue that all day, but it's an issue of fact neither of us will ever really know for certain. In that vacuum of proof, we'll agree to disagree. I think I have the circumstantial evidence to win it in a courtroom, but whatever...
You know, this is a rotten medium for cross examination. I could drive at you all day, but you'd be able to duck and weave here until I was blue in the face. And vice versa.
It's a rotten media for getting you to say what you mean. As I said above, I think Iran's treatment of the British troops is like termites. No one reasonable is for it. There may be a couple of eco-nuts who actively root for termites to destroy people's houses, and there may be a few Chomskyites who groove on seeing Anglo-Saxon imperialists put in their place, but they're wingnuts.
Apparently, we can argue all day without you saying what you think. Who, exactly, on "the Left" do you think supports what Iran did and "disingenuously" criticizes our own treatment of prisoners but not Iran's? I can't tell.
Maybe you're only saying that there are people on "the Left" who are happy to criticize Bush for torture because of the happy coincidence that they dislike Bush and dislike torture, or that there are people on "the Left" who don't go out of their way to say what they think about Iran because they don't see a political upside. But none of that is "disingenuous." It's opportunistic.
The framers of this great country recognized that people are opportunistic in politics, and designed a system of government with checks and balances. If you don't like opportunism then you don't like America. Love it or leave it, pal.