How does one do it?
No easy answers there- congrats on the brazenette, first.
some ways others have coped (some of these are mine, not all): sneak in all the time you can get (I used to wake up early to work, then play for a little while and go in on the late side- others have different strategies)- it won't make you stop missing her, but it helps each day to know you've had some real time; look for child care closer to work so you can visit, or have dad bring her by once in a while for lunch until the acuteness of it all wears off a little; call her and talk to dead air (this one's for you, anyway, who cares if she can't talk back); make her bedtime as late as she can stand it and still be rested in the morning, so she can have some time with you in the evening after dinner; close your door if you have to cry and go ahead. For me, when I stopped pumping at work it made a big difference- a combination of hormones being back in balance and not having the regular reminder that the pump ain't the real thing (only when you're otherwise ready to wean her, of course).
It's never easy; at some point you will know whether its going to get better for you or whether you need to make a change. Good luck!