Originally posted by Not Bob
They probably don't really care about keeping Paris or Winona or Nicole or Phil Spector or Bob Ney alive. It's all about the prison desiring to maintain control and keeping the guards safe[r]. That's the same reason why the wardens and correctional officers organizations tend to get annoyed when politicians start to whine about prisoners getting "privileges" like watching TV and lifting weights.
But, sebby, I think that your analysis of whether you or I would get the same sentence as Paris did for doing what she did is really off -- perhaps not for the Keystone State, but definitely for around here. Thanks to the efforts of MADD, she would have done at least 30 days for the initial DUI around my neck of the woods, and driving on a DUI suspended licence is another stint of time, pretty much guarranteed.
As an aside, I feel bad for her. Granted, I think that she needs to be accountable, and I have no issue with her getting 45 days for what she did. But it just seems like the very people in the tabloid media who made her what she is are taking an unseemly delight in seeing her suffer, and it just strikes me as more than a little bit cruel.
I don't feel very sorry for her, at least no more that I feel sorry for anyone who has to go to jail. She has been working on being famous for nothing for years. I remember seeing article about her and her sister in Vanity Fair (I googled and it appears to have been in September 2000 when they ran something about "It girls"). At the time, I couldn't understand why anyone would possibly care about her since she had no discernible talents. She seemed to be famous for using her name to get herself in print and in front of cameras. She also seems to have made a great deal of money doing this for at least the last 7 years. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
ETA: Well, I can't find a link to the original article but I did find an excerpt which included this little gem.
"Well, just because you're a celebrity doesn't mean you shouldn't get in trouble if you do something," Paris says.