Nice that they care to write me only when urged to by financial interests:
Dear Little League Volunteer:
In case you haven’t heard, the New York City Council voted to ban the use of aluminum bats for all high school games played in the City. Now, similar legislation is pending for the entire state of New York – legislation that would ban all non-wood bats from being used in all Little League games.
At Little League, nothing is more important to us than child safety and I can report to you that a ban on aluminum bats is not necessary. It will harm our game and make it less enjoyable for the millions of children who safely play the game today, just as it has been safely played for the last forty years.
Little League Baseball has joined a coalition of parents, coaches and bat makers to oppose this unnecessary ban.
The Coalition is named “Don’t Take My Bat Away” and I urge you to join.
Please log onto their website,, and carefully review the facts and the science behind Little League’s decision to support the safe use of both wood and aluminum bats.
I’m proud that Little League has led the way in developing batting helmets, the modern catcher’s chest protector, helmet and mask. We banned head first sliding for safety reasons and we also abolished the on-deck circle ten years ago. Just this year, we implemented a pitch count to protect our players’ young arms.
If there was a safety-driven reason to ban aluminum bats, we would support it. There isn’t and that’s why I urge you to get involved.
Please log onto and join our growing coalition.
Steve Keener
Little League InternationalP.O. Box 3485539 US Route 15 HwyWilliamsport, PA 17701-0485
Phone: 570-326-1921
Fax: 570-326-1074
P.S. Please don’t allow the New York Legislature to ban the safe use of aluminum bats in New York. Log onto the Don’t Take My Bat Away Coalition’s webpage ( and join Little League, Babe Ruth Baseball, the National High School Baseball Coaches Association, and many other groups that have studied this issue so we can work together to fight the ban. Please log on now – before it’s too late.
Later, I find out that the person responsible for this is that lying immunity-shrined dirtbag, Ari Fleischer