Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
If the criticism is of those moms that overreact to every little thing, I can tell you it is valid. It is possible that there are a number of mothers who are absolutely insane about protecting their children and enforce all sorts of stupid rules on other people through their power in the PTA (and trust me, these women are the super-active PTA types). Their kids need special treatment for field trips because they might get scared or lonely, they need to be given specific diets based on what they like or will or won't eat, they can't be yelled at when they do something horrible because they are sensitive and need to be encouraged, they can't be around peanuts because their second cousin once had an allergic reaction, etc.
There are also those mothers who have young children with severe allergic reactions to things like peanuts who need to have their children protected. It is possible to criticize the first class of mothers without criticizing the second class, especially since the second class is so very small. And that's really the point.
My world view is all fucked up today.
You're actually the paragon of reasonableness.
I should just go home and start drinking.