Originally posted by andViolins
I'm not sure where I ever stated that I "believe" anything in regard to the Board, secret ballot elections or card-check recognition.
I really didn't mean to start a labor-law melee. I brought up the Meyerson column because the point he made re how employee preferences towards their union must be expressed as matter of law -- by secret ballot or otherwise -- seemed responsive in some way to whatever Slave was trying to say. To the extent that Slave professed indignation that a worker's right to a secret ballot might be done away with by the card-check legislation, presumably then he would have a problem with the 9/29 NLRB decision. Except that we know that he wouldn't, because his concern was tactical, and his abiding principle is that unions and Democrats are evil and lazy, and his response would be identify some other purported hypocrisy on the part of The Left somewhere else.