I don't know what it's called to search for it
OK, so the new toy has one of those thingies that goes between it and the TV -- on the TV end, there are three dealie-boppers that are white, red and yellow. The DVD thingy has the same thing. But, the TV only has one place to input this. Am I doomed to unplugging and replugging whenever I want to watch a movie on a break from quality time with my new boyfriend Mario? Or is there some kind of adapter (adaptor?) that will give some kind of shortcut?
The TV was purchased in like 2000. I will need to get a new one at some point, I suppose, b/c of HD. I don't have cable or satellite and don't try to pick up the signals that come through the air, though, so really I just use it for DVD and now games. I think that means I can hold off on the purchase for a while. Which is good, because judging from the discussions on here, it seems like I could make a very wrong decision on the TV so very, very easily.
Anyway, just want to check on the necessity for pulling out and then putting back those plugs into the three holes.
I'm using lipstick again.