Originally posted by Atticus Grinch
Another thing the blacks and Jews have in common --- irrational hatred of mayonnaise, one of life's simple pleasures.
The only other racial generalization I have observed in wide enough application is the following: African Americans are singularly responsible for the continued sale of orange soda in this country. I worked in a restaurant (not fast food) in a suburban area of California, and you could bet your paycheck that fully 50% of African American customers would ask if we served orange soda (we didn't). Of these, about 75% would then ask for root beer (which we did serve) instead. It was eerie. I don't think a single white customer ever asked me for orange soda, but almost half of the black customers did.
Hmm. I must be either part black or part jewish. Will investigate.
Maybe all the orange soda requesters were Mormon. Isn't there a bustling black Mormon population in California?* I have a Mormon friend (since we are getting into a rash of purely anecdotal personal experience stories, I will continue this sentence) who often asks for orange soda or root beer because he can't drink caffeine and I guess ordering those things breaks up the Sprite/water monotony. Living on the edge, I tell you.
*I don't really believe this.