Must See Tv
Atticus 11:54
Originally posted by Bad_Rich_Chic
But I've heard Spike does a nude scene this season - something to look forward to.
Neither Fred, nor Harmony, nor the icy blond "liason to the senior partners" really floats my boat. I want another female added, stat. I'm saying prayers that Charisma Carpenter gets out of rehab intact.
On the lukewarm recommendation of the local paper's TV critic, I made the mistake of watching Navy NCIS, the latest in redundant acronymic crime shows from CBS. Horrid. It was like watching JAG without the lawyers flying jets. In slow motion. Mark Harmon remains the only man who could talk me into a MFM with Mrs. Grinch, and he's miles ahead of the JAG folks in terms of conveying moods with his eyebrows, but I won't be watching again. I guess it's target-marketed to the folks who mist up and cream their jeans when any television character says "Semper Fi" in a non-ironic context.
BTW, speaking of military-themed CSI ripoffs, did I mention Red Cap is the most disappointing series ever to air on BBC America? I mean, after Ground Force America, a show which perversely is not about the military?