Edited by to remove potentially identifying information. Sometimes it is not clear what might be outable, so I will ask people to please be cautious.
I think I get it. An FB'er that don't know shit ahout shit when it comes to prestige firms can run on at the mouth about them and the people that slave there. But someone cracks back about how that FB'er don't actually know shit about shit -- that's a no no. Heh, heh. if someone doesn't want to be proven ignorant on a subject, they shouldn't talk about it.
I guess that approves the following booshit lies by FB'ers:
I remember an FB'er that didn't know shit about Wachtell saying the firm had lots of leverage and bonuses the same as everywhere else.
I remember an FB'er arguing against the no brainer position that pro bono is less than useless to transactional associates.
I remember an FB'er arguing that bankruptcy work everywhere was the same despite an AmLaw survey of bankruptcy laterals on their motivations for lateralling.