Eating healthily
They're voluntarily switching out those bad ingredients? Would someone please let me know when they do that for Skippy peanut butter and Nabisco crackers? We're suffering from withdrawal here in the Diva/Companion household since giving up trans fats. It's just heartbreaking when Magnus looks up at me with those saucer blue eyes and says, "We need to get some Wheat Thins at the store."
We've also been cutting back on the simple carbs--well, the starches anyway, if not the straight sugars. Damned if I'm going to give up my premium ice cream--but that's not so bad because the carbs are balanced by lots of fat and some protein (I did, however, cut back to one scoop--about the size of a "serving"--per sitting). No more white rice (risotto as an occasional treat), potatoes, pasta, or white bread.
We've also been trying to get more and better protein--grass-fed organic beef, pork, chicken and lamb, wild salmon. I feel lots better, am very gradually losing weight, and I break out less.
The other day I made Rice Krispie treats for the first time in years (surplus marshmallows from a family reunion campout), and was amazed at how sluggish and blah I felt after eating them. There's a small amount of butter, but otherwise they're straight simple carbs.
For learning about cooking I have to second whoever (Atticus?) said Cook's Illustrated is em's favorite magazine. They explain the science, taste-test basic products, test higher-end utensils and appliances, and the recipes are great.
Edited to add that those who managed to get shop and home ec in middle school probably didn't do music or art. I had two electives in middle school, so I got cooking but not sewing, three semesters of choir, one of art, a couple of band, but no shop classes. And I really wanted one of those lucite toothbrush holders, dammit.
Last edited by tmdiva; 10-13-2003 at 05:37 PM..