Originally posted by Oliver_Wendell_Ramone
Anybody have any thoughts/experiences re Montessori education? I think a lot of the philosophy makes sense, especially in the 3-6 year old range. I am also impressed by the teachers I've met; very into what they do, and with regard to the younger kids, way beyond a typical preschool teacher. On the other hand, I'm not sure my 3-year old needs to be in school every day (with mom currently in stay-at-home mode). And the whole thing can seem a bit new-agey and cult-like (e.g., "the cosmic child" and the constant and reverential references to Dr. Montesorri).
Any thoughts? I think we're leaning toward giving it a try.
See how the kid likes and reacts to it.
Our kids have all gone to the same pre-school, which has a very well developed developmental learning philosophy (not Montessori). One of them just was absolutely perfect for the school, it brought out the best in her and she just shined. It was not as good for another, who turns out to have some dislexia and needed more structure to compensate. Different personalities do better in different settings and with different learning methods.
Also, we've looked at Montessori schools that are very different from each other, and a lot depends on the teacher. Having the kid and teacher, or kid and lead teacher if it is, as I suspect, a setting with multiple teachers, spend fifteen minutes interacting will likely give you a good idea if there is some chemistry.