Okay. I have an actual fashion question, and it has nothing to do with socks.
Originally posted by Bad_Rich_Chic
Some useful guidelines:
Jacket must have a waist. You must have a waist.
Jacket (and vest, if any) should remain buttoned up.
If the suit has trousers, they should be loose and drape well.
If the suit has a skirt, it should not be very short - showing leg above the knee undercuts the masculine/feminine play of the look.
Don't wear fishnets; like a short skirt, it is just too much.
Shirt should be properly fitted - do not try this with a man's shirt, it will bag and you will look dumpy.
Be wary of earrings or bracelets. You can have fun with rings, though.
Red manicures work well with this look. Go for feminine details, not overt female sexuality (or overly casual anti-sexuality a la Annie Hall).
Shoes must be delicate - no laceups or oxfords or loafers.
Hair must be rigorously styled. A "natural look" is your enemy here, particularly if your hair falls much below your chin or can get out of control. But don't just scrape it back from your face - it must remain feminine.
Must wear makeup. Needn't be heavy or dark, but you must wear makeup to play up the feminine polish.
Any look with this many rules will certainly never be attempted by me. And maybe I'm more of a Teen Beat follower than the rest of you, but when I hear woman wearing tie, I think of this...
Weird that.
Edit - trying to find photo that works...
Last edited by notcasesensitive; 10-30-2003 at 04:10 PM..