Originally posted by Atticus Grinch
Dude, think for a minute. The Senate votes 33-0. What's the most plausible explanation? That AS promised them something better on the issue, or that they all experienced a universal change of heart on the matter? You couldn't get 33 state senators to agree that shit stinks. You definitely can't get 33 state senators to eat crow.
Even the sponsor of the original bill said he supported repeal because he "puts his trust" in AS and takes him at his word that something better will be proposed. There was a back room deal here. NTTAWWT.
Meanwhile, all the same undocumented immigrants are driving around in the exact same cars as before. And none of them can get insurance. Let me put in into language you're likely to sympathize with: Their employers are still letting them drive, but will be stuck with an uninsured claim if they hit someone, and a punitive damages case for negligent entrustment. You tell me if standing on principle ("but driving is a privilege they haven't earned!") is better than pragmatism on this issue.
So are you admitting that from time to time the LA Times gets the story wrong?