Originally posted by sgtclub
So it seems the line that has the DEMS' panties bunched is "some attack the president for attacking the terrorists" (paraphrased). This goes back to the 6 month argument of whether the war in Iraq is part of the war on terror. If you believe it is, then this line is roughly true (at least close enough for politics, and certainly closer than "BUSH LIED"). If you don't, well . . . your panties are twisted.
In absolutely no sense is it true that anyone to the right of Noam Chomsky is attacking the president for attacking terrorists. Those attacking him on Iraq are saying that he's failing to attack terrorists. (It also is not true that Saddam Hussein, whatever his other flaws, can fairly be called a terrorist. You can call him that, but it renders the word almost meaningless.)
Someone at the RNC or the White House should call the families of soldiers killed in Iraq and tell them that their children died to re-elect George Bush, because that's what this gutless, shameless appropriation of national security for partisan gain amounts to. Sadly, there appears to be no one with both class and heft left in the Republican Party, because if there were, they'd be telling the RNC to cut this shit out.