Things that sucketh
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Pretty Little Flower
This is not a question relevant to you.
SD: Ok. I'll bite - is that compliment or an insult?
Yes you do. You say so in just a second.
SD: Don't I require a real reason?
Keep up the good work.
SD: Agreed.
Not sure what your point is here. So what?
SD: So what? So let's dance!
So write a song.
SD: I gave my love a cherry...
Yes. Emphasis on the "good time" part.
SD: People keep telling me that I'm "goal-less."
This is not true and you know it is not true, which makes it a lie.
SD: You're right. I hate her. I think I love my doorman.
Personally, cars bore me, but if this floats your boat, then you should buy nice cars. Very nice cars. As to your second point, get a driver.
SD: God, that's my dream.
Get a nanny. Hire a painter. This is so obvious, I am beginning to wonder if all the lysergic acid has made you dim.
SD: No it has not. I want a nanny, but my wife keeps asking why we need one since we've no kids.
There are many nice condos in pretty much every urban area. Buy one.
SD: Wife won't do it.
Something/someone that/who is not you.
SD: So you're calling me self loathing?
You should try living Ursula 1000's "All System's Are Go-Go" instead. There are more martinis involved and it is, therefore, more fun.
SD: ?????
SD: Yeh... that closer was weak.
EDIT: I fucked up the whole quoting thing here. Sorry.
All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.