Originally Posted by Hank Chinaski
so this board was offensive as to gay people, say 10 years ago. I wrote "jokes" as did others. Then ncs and RT just said stop, and we did. But several of us made those "jokes." If I get tapped to host the Oscars can I not do it once that comes out?
And so you think Taibbi, whoever he is, apologizing means anything? Did you believe the football guy who said he didn't realize complimenting Hitler would be offensive? Those apologies are nonsense.
I've always thought the Catholic Church had this one fundamentally right.
All of us sin, none of us are beyond redemption and forgiveness.
But there is a need to repent before that can happen. And one ought to confess and do penance when you repent.
To follow Hank's example, I know I made all too many offensive jokes about gay folks once upon a time, I don't remember if I did it on the board but I probably did. And I hope I've confessed and done enough penance. It's just wrong.
Taibbi strikes me as about as likely to repent or do penance as Trump. He's just not the repentant kind of guy. Where the baker seems to be. Good for him.