Originally Posted by Pretty Little Flower
Ooh, you’re such a jaded bad boy! Making fun of those nerds! I bet the suburban cocktail party chicks eat that routine up. Do you wear a black leather jacket with a heater tucked behind your ear when you deliver your little speeches?
Your problem is you incorrectly assume that I am engaging you on the substance of your little “all is fair in politics and war” thesis. BORING. Remember how Ty said that debating you is like reading a book review where the reviewer doesn’t talk about the book at all? The title of my book is “Sebastian is Always Wrong. (And then he lies about it.)”
If there's an interesting misrepresentation anywhere in the back and forth between us, it's your posturing that You Don't Care.
You do. You care very deeply about Trump and you do get upset. You're childlike in this regard.
I'll argue anything. Win, lose -- who cares? You actually get distressed about politics. It's cute. I want to pat you on the head... or give you a Xanax.