Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
To the contrary, some of the most insane sex I've ever had was drunk as hell. You can go longer and you've got no inhibitions. You also tend to be more limber. You don't notice the cramp in you leg or the pain in your bad right shoulder when you're playing amatuer contortionist. I got a face full of champagne at a dinner a few weeks ago and topped it off with a double espresso before going home. The wife and I fucked college style. Got up the next morning and found the bed three moved about three feet and sheets and pillows strewn all over the place. I recall I was sore as hell everywhere... that's a good night's work.
Maybe it's a function of how drunk you need to be before you lose your memory. I've never been good at that. In fact, I wish I could have lost memories quite a few times in the past, but nnnnoooooo, they were still there the next day.