Flying in Corona Isn't Wrong*
There's a surreal aspect to finding oneself in a massive East Coast airport most of which is closed. It's like you're in a post-apocalyptic comedy. On the restaurant (the tables of which are now in the walkway, indoor/outdoor style) screen are stories about the impeachment of a President already out of office, marchers on the streets in [Insert City], and the stock market zooming into the stratosphere.
And this photo is of Chapelle, Elon Musk, Grimes, Ron White, and Joe Rogan just a day before Dave tested positive with Covid-19...
...Next week's Davos will focus on the 'Great Reset.'
Biden insists $1.9 trillion is required...
When we're back, Kate Hudson, on having three children with three men, and Kylie Jenner's new product muse.
Strange days indeed. Most peculiar, but also kinda dull, momma?
Wear sneakers. You'll be able to jog at the airport. The closest human will be far away, and despite there being 65% fewer travelers, your flight will probably be delayed, your layover extended.
But as one heads West, the frontier we-couldn't-give-a-fuck attitude emerges. The sight of packed indoor restaurants is odd, off-putting. Temptation is only tempered by the recognition, it'd suck to be quarantined out here.
Or maybe not? The pervasive East Coast defeatism, the recognition the real economic shit hasn't even hit the fan yet in the big cities, isn't much fun to absorb.
I recommend traveling. I may regret it later, but the scenes, if nothing else than those 30 second iPhone movies, are alternatively fascinating and banal. Normalcy prevails, but it's the thinnest patina.
* Buffalo Springfield
All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.
Last edited by sebastian_dangerfield; 01-25-2021 at 01:50 PM..