Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Could you imagine Israelis entering Gaza and raping and murdering people, gleefully, in a celebratory fashion?
Something has gone haywire in the mind of people who do things like that. It's the reason we have a thing called war crimes. Soldiers just being soldiers does not explain My Lai, or Rwanda, or the massacre of Muslims in Bosnia.
Hamas knew there was a line between what they'd been and ISIS. They knowingly stepped over it. They wanted to shock and horrify. They wanted to be extreme.
Our decision to torture people after 9/11 is a good analogy. We'd blown a lot of goodwill attacking Iraq, an innocent nation. But we still had some shreds of respect in the international community. Then the torture stuff came out, and every foreign nation (save those hosting our black sites) said, "Nope. That's a step too far. No bueno. Not acceptable."
I have no doubt that there are Israelis who have committed war crimes, but completely agree that what Hamas did was different from individual acts crossing the line. As I said, and you agreed, what Hamas was rational in its way. Depraved, also. And Hank says they're bad, so we all seem to be in agreement about that.
I'm just not clear what you think you're establishing. Movements that resort to terrorism do so because they can't fight by conventional means. Ideologies that justify terrorism take root among populations that don't see alternatives.