Originally Posted by Tyrone Slothrop
100%. It's pretty obvious that at the larger protests, most of the protestors are motivated by what they see happening in Gaza. It's no secret that many of them are Jewish. And then you get the weirdos and hangers-on and opportunists who show up, and some of them are pretty anti-semitic. There is a pretty clear tendency in the coverage of the protests to avoid discussing what the protests are about, and to focus on the opportunists and extremists.
Lots of people have been chanting "From the river to the sea...." I'd be surprised if many of them mean to be calling for the end of the state of Israel. I'm sure a few of them do.
It's pretty wild to see conservative goyim calling lefty Jews anti-semitic at the same time that conservatives have been mainstreaming anti-semitic tropes. Not good for the Jews.
I actually agree that most of those chanting FTRTTS don't know how it's taken. Most of the people chanting don't appear to know much about a lot of things. Which is where one is when one is 18-22.
Regarding Soros paranoia, it is amusing to see the right argue that a 93 year old Jew is bankrolling a worldwide antisemitism campaign. That's left me more than a little confused and giggling to myself.
But I do disagree that the antisemitism at hand is limited to a few fringe players. For too long, the academe has countenanced a weird view of the world that puts everyone into oppressor/oppressed buckets. I'm not going to cite Foucault, Derrida, or Marcuse, or any "post-modernists" as a source, largely because those people were nuts and deserve no more air than they've had, which is already far too much. But all of this "social justice" stuff and identity politics, all of which derives from the playpens of campuses (along with "Critical Theory" and "Gender Theory") has created a bizarre landscape in which grievance is paramount.
Somebody's rigging the system against you.
Somebody's in charge behind the scenes.
We must identify those oppressors!
Enter (dragged upon) Stage Left in this paranoid fiction, as always: The Jews.
It always happens. From Charlottesville, where the Right bleated about being replaced by Jews, to the campuses today, where Jews are "super colonizers" (and somehow, despite being the most oppressed minority, excluded from DEI efforts), when the rabble decides it needs a conspiracy to make sense of the world,* the Jews will be in the dock. So, no, I don't think it's but a small smattering of antisemites in the crowd at these protests. I think campuses are far too comfortable with the idea of Jews, or any generally successful and peaceful people that has done well, as oppressors. And this leads to an unfair and entirely unwarranted dislike or suspicion of them.
* Gore Vidal said there are no conspiracies because the powerful all act in the same way, so they needn't connect. Don Draper said "there is no 'plan'... the universe is indifferent to you." The maniacs of the left on campus and the maniacs of the right at MAGA rallies would do well to understand that their lots in life are more a mix of randomness and their own decisions than any boogiemen running the world in a manner that cheats them.