Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
I'll give you the highlights:
1. Drink stolen peach schnapps in limo;
2. Drink beers and wine at party at some kid's lake/beach/ski house;
3. Have lousy sex with drunken boyfriend; and
4. Get up in the morning, ask self how dress got covered in red wine and cocktail sauce and ride home with friends, complaining about lousyt sex and fact that boyfriend kept you up all night puking into toilet and sucked in the sack.
I say eat the chocolates and smoke em if you got em.
Exactly, except you forgot the part where the brazenette asks her friend is she was DV'ed if the guy couldnt get all the way in bc of her hymen not giving. And the the bnb aint gonna get to hear about this
I drove by the sight of my first alcohol puke fest over tgiving- the shitty little shack right on the road where the class whore and her older stoner brother lived with their delinquent mother. It was a premixed fuzzy navel. I still get shivers.