Originally posted by Pretty Little Flower
I am confused by your words.
You say the type of analysis is gay, and then you speak about it as if it is a bad thing.
Is there some negative context to gay about which I am unaware.
This negative context is not the common usage on this board, which is a bit redundant, as common usage for me necessarily implies [on the Lawtalkers > LawTalk Forums > General Discussion > The Fashionable > Fashion Board thread].
It is been suggested to me via a super secret hush hush instant messaging electronic communication forum that you may be suffering from mirror image syndrome. Is this the case? Do not worry. If you say no, I will understand that you really mean yes. I am sympathetic to your syndrome and am here to help.
Concur. Completely. I was pre-med, and I have to say (while having no idea about any super secret hush hush instant messaging electronic communication forum, and, fwiw, even if I did, if it was really super secret hush hush I certainly wouldn't be posting about here, unless, of course, I was referencing it in a purely conjecturally hypothetical fashion as in something existing in an imaginary alternative universe that doesn't really exist [read: SCIENCE FICTION]), it sounds like mirror image syndrome to me. Yup. MIS.
Sebby, let me know me if there is anything I can do, even if its just giving you a non-bi, nttawwt, shoulder to lean on. And my condolences to the Mrs.