class behavior
Ok tell me this. What's with all the crying? Did you guys have students crying in law school? Do you get lawyers crying now?
I see it way too often. Saw it in class too. We had a Civ Pro prof who was famous for making several people go running out of the room crying every year. When the OJ Simpson verdict came down she sent someone out of the room to listen to it and report back. Well this one guy was told, in front of the whole class, that he wasn't allowed to listen to what happened, but had to continue researching something he didn't know the answer to while we all learned about the verdict. She often singled people out. She had been riding him for a good half hour before that. He did cry, but not until later and in private. I just happened to be there to see it.
That woman beat me up on numerous occasions. I just shrugged and took it. Learned a lot too. I didn't go back to my apartment and weep. So what's the deal?
Apparently during my third year when I was judging Moot Court I scared one girl so much she went home crying. It was classic. I didn't mean to make her cry of course, but I had to chuckle when I heard about it.
I will admit that I am just bitchy enough that when I make another attorney cry, it amuses me no end. I mean WTF? Why are you crying? What did Tom Hanks say? "There's no crying in baseball." Well that should apply here, there's no crying in law.
Fucking pussies.