Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
Well, Atticus is curiously silent, but I think the critical difference is that an annulment doesn't count as far as the church is concerned. It's like it never happened. Which matters, since you can't get divorced.
So, since it's annulled, she has no 'splaining to do. Of course, if she got married in the little white chapel, it's not really a valid catholic wedding anyway, so she's still free to marry for the first time there.
but she has to say 50 hail marys first. and quit using birth control.
She filed for a civil annulment -meaning the marriage is legally void ab initio - thus no community property since the marriage never existed (admittedly I don't know if NV law provides otherwise, I'm spouting from memory of general family law). As far as Catholic church goes - if the church recognizes the marriage (and as CJ states, it may not as she wasn't married by a priest) she would have to file for a church annulment after the civil anulment is granted (same for a religious anulment after obtaining a civil divorce)
Next stop on Britany's attention seeking tour - a lesbian marriage in Massachusetts.