Today's Hates and Loves
Things I Hate Today:
1. Fucking MCLE fucking requirements that make me go to fucking useless seminars or listen to fucking pointless tapes when I could be billing time or seeing my family or joyfully wasting time here.
2. Coming back from the holidays to find that no one dealt with the mountain of work on my desk, and the deadlines that seemed really far off before Xmas ("Mid-January? That's TONS of time!") are now around the corner.
3. The fact that the cool convertible I recently bought is virtually useless now because of this very un-California, un-San Francisco like weather we are having (rain and cold and cold and rain).
Things I Love Today:
1. FB women talking about their breasts.
2. etc.: A bunch of other stuff that I forgot because I was focusing on (1.), above.