Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
he was saying he fears the craftsman holding the tool, not the tool so much, I think.
I am starting to believe it is simply this fear, justified or no, which is the basis for the erosion talk.
NB in 1.5 hrs. Atticus will log on and remind us of the Afghan tribesman who insulted someones daughter, and ended up at Gitmo for a few years. I am not dismissing these issues, I'm simply trying to issue spot at this point.
I am simply saying that I thought this thread was in response to a question asked about Ashcroft and the extent to which he is responsible for limiting peoples civil rights. Or perhaps Ashcroft was meant to mean the Bush Administration?
The PA is a bill Ashcroft backed, but it obviously took a couple hundred Congressmen to pass it. My responses have simply been highlighting some recent restrictions on civil rights that have come to my attention. If you are simply trying to catalog, I was giving examples and a catalog would be much longer. For example, it would include the actions of the Fed and the FDIC in increasing scrutiny of bank records. Whether you know it or not, your local bank is likely to report any bounced check to the Fed as a suspicious activity if you are Arab American, and has been encouraged to do so by the regulatory agencies. The list is likely to go on and on, but I have not seen anyone attempt to compile a complete list. Perhaps Ty, who is more well-read than I, can help us here.
I really liked that article RT found. So, Mr. Chianski, the list that doesn't exist happens to be 88 pages long?