Originally posted by Atticus Grinch
If you think she's mature enough to handle the possibility that she might not get picked for the part, I say do it (with caution). At 10, she's not old enough to make this decision by herself, but she's also not too young to have a say in it. You're also not being a "Stage Dad" putting her where she doesn't want to be or planning out her career for your own glory, so I think you can avoid the train wrecks that come from that parental dynamic.
It's the parents who put their kids on stage at ages 6 and under that scare me. How can anyone truly say that their kid "loves" it at that age?
Good point. She got rejected for a part in a local production she wanted really badly (and rejected in a fairly nasty way ... but if I go on there we'll be here for a while listening to my rant), and had a tough few hours but was then fine. I need to discuss that one with my spouse.