Screw America's Sweetheart
Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
I read Cold Mountain before I saw the movie, and I think that probably ruined the movie for me. First, Nicole Kidman is too old for the role. Second, a lot of the more interesting elements of the book are reduced very heavily to be too simplistic. And most importantly, the natural setting is vitally important to this story, and a lot of that had to be dumbed down because they filmed it in the Czech Republic instead of North Carolina. There was a sort of PCizing of the Civil War there too, that sort of bugged me. Yes, the South was wrong, but this story should tell why the South was wrong for a particular person, not the whole world. I think that central theme of the story didn't play out so well in the movie, and it distracted me. The sets were unbelievable and there were some very good peripheral performaces by Renee Zelweger, Natalie Portman and Phillip Seymor Hoffman (who I think is a very good actor). Jude Law was good. I went in expecting to be impressed and left very disappointed.
I do not plan to see Cold Mountain - it looks like this year's Titanic. If anybody disagrees, let me know.
"More than two decades later, it is hard to imagine the Revolutionary War coming out any other way."