Superbowl Contest
We are having the first ever LawTalkers Superbowl Contest. It is, of course, not a bet, it is a contest.
The prize is a $25 gift certificate from or other online store of your choice.
So. Here's the deal. You pick one number for each team, say for example
Panthers 7 Patriots 14
The Rules
You may not pick the same exact score that someone else picks, though you can use one of the same numbers. e.g. the next person could pick Panthers 10 Patriots 14.
Scores are on a first come first serve basis as determined by the posting order. So if you happen to post a score at the same time as someone else, but em's post shows up first, you need to try again. Edit the post, note duplicate score, and then, and this is important, create a new post with your new guess.
All picks must be made by Sunday at noon. There is no editing of choices. Remember there is a time stamp when you edit something. Any edited post will be disqualified.
There is one guess per user. No socks, unless you want to use a sock as your only guess.
Good luck
Oh one last thing. Only post guesses on this board. Nothing else.
One other thing (sorry) the numbers above are not guesses. I won't be guessing.