Originally posted by NotFromHere
Look, If I were CBS, I would most certainly have Ms. Jackson on my grammy show. Look at what has happened in the 3 days since halftime...you have every news reporting network and sports reporting network talking about it, making a big deal about it saying the letters CBS over and over. Don't you think more people would tune in knowing that she's going to be there than if she's uninvited? Even if they know she's not possible going to pull another stunt?
I'm just saying the feigned shocked and agast at what she did, please.
If I were their lawyer, I'd make sure they (a) appeared shocked and appalled and (b) pulled Janet from the Grammys -- at least until the FCC let them off the hook. CBS is flying high in the ratings without having Janet on the Grammys; they don't need a lengthy investigation and possible huge fines. It's all about deniability now.