Originally posted by notcasesensitive
So do you all enjoy the act of collectively beating your heads against a wall? or is it the joy of having the "no you're an idiot, idiot" arguing style used against you? Anyway, glad you are keeping it entertained and away from the FB. Good day.
How thoughtful of you to come here, to the one last refuge I have from your personal attack, and not attack me personally. No here you attack the very basis of my home. Or is it your goal to undermine Tyrone here in his area of Moderation, so you are at the top of the admin-to-be list? In the name of all that is good I hope yuor schemes fail.
I would add that all the arguing here is not futile. Once I admit you beat me in an argument here. Once also Fluffy agreed that 2 or even more PT boats were sunk in WWII. I also believe the liberals generally agree that my arguments have exposed Ty to be a conspiracy whack-job. Further not me has convinced most of having breast implants- although some still question gender.