Originally posted by notcasesensitive
This makes me wonder ... (so Carrie Bradshaw) ...
Does everyone have some compulsive liar *friend* in his/her past?
I had a friend in college who lied all the time. About stupid stuff. I think just to see if she could get away with it. [Well, in fairness, she was also very depressed and completely undiagnosed.] She eventually dropped out of school after she had alienated all of her friends (one of the things she was lying about was whether or not she was showing up to take tests in her classes). A quick Google search indicates that she went to UK (Kentucky, not England), joined a band there and got married while on air to a dj at the college radio station there. Gotta love the internet.
There was a locally famous compulsive liar a class before me in law school. During interviews with law firms he told them about his extensive foreign travel, stealing stories out of National Geographic since he'd never been abroad at all. He became a D.A., but during divorce proceedings and a custody battle his wife turned him in for all the stolen property he possessed - turned out he'd emptied the closets of the art museums from every school he'd ever been out. I understand he's now on his second tour of a secure facility, having gotten out, gotten a job, and promptly begun emptying their accounts into his.