Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
Do people order "Americanos" (or Americani) in the US? I mean, isn't that a concoction by the italians for americans to satisfy a desire for a big cup of coffee, instead of a demi-tasse, when you don't have drip machines?
Second SbUX q: Are the beans different/better than any old coffee shop (for the same type of bean, e.g., Kenya AA)? Or are they just charging $3 more per pound for atmosphere there too?
BTW, how does one pronounce WTF? Wuh-tiff? Withph? Either way, seeing the Passion doesn't get you out off hell for all the strippers.
I heard someone order a "triple Americano" this morning. I have no idea what that means.
The sad thing is that my comm. real estate friend told me that "you wouldn't believe what a Starbucks does for a office building rents-wise."