Originally posted by bilmore
It strikes me that, in our society, or at least in the society we're supposed to be, if you are in doubt of where truth and beauty and light come down in an argument, you are always safer taking the position that MORE people should get equal protection and due process rather than FEWER. Finding yourself on that FEWER side should be cause for concern, right away.
Knee-jerk, I know, but it seems to work.
That only works if you are talking about immutable characteristics. Which I agree that being gay is. At the end of the day, that is the only difference between being homosexual and being a polygamist. Too bad that despite my numerous pleas to articulate your reasons, I could never get any of you to focus on that.
I still think the government needs to get out of the marriage business. Let people obligate themselves via contract. The only reason that contract is a worse option than a goverment license is because most people are too fucking stupid to even understand how to enter into a contract properly. If the government gives out a license, that is simpler for the average human vermin that is overruning this earth to understand. But do we really want to encourage the stupid people to breed by making it easier for them to get married?
I say no, but then that contradicts my position on anal, now doesn't it?