Originally posted by bilmore
Remember, at the urging of the loyal opposition, they were holding off on things until the world could render its yea or nay. To maybe jeapordize the ability to get Saddam out in order to get this lesser thug might not have been a good choice.
My impression was that we were bombing in the no-fly zones during that time despite the loyal opposition. I remember that the bombing was given as a reason why the govt didn't want a group of those spunky human shields couldn't come down through Turkey and the north (I think they eventually had to bus through Syria).
And although I do confess to being the Charles Shaw of whiners, allow me to say now that I don't support the human shield crowd. I only mention their role because I remember this story. I'd try to dig up a cite but I'm already wasting too much time serial posting after spending too much time at lunch.
But, I do have to say it's humorous to see Bush being attacked now because of his obsession with building coalitions.
I guess it is, if you look at it that way. Unsurprisingly, I see this differently, as perhaps a more clear illustration of how the Iraq war distracted us from fighting the al Qaeda terrorists who picked a fight with us in the first place.