Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
Is there such a thing? Other than a pack of diapers and some earplugs?
Sure. Hiring a full time nurse/nanny/doula (sp?) to be there for a week or two after the birth. Not inviting
your mother to stay for two weeks after the birth, unless that's what your wife wants. Planning a tropical getaway for the latest point at which the expectant mom can travel and enjoy herself. Bringing a masseuse, pedicurist, or hair stylist in when mom still feels too housebound to go out without baby for several hours. Having a jacuzzi installed. Promising that the minivan will be "your" car, while she gets to keep driving the roomy yet still stylish four door sedan. Investigating the child care options for when her maternity leave is up. Being supportive when she says she wants to stay home.
Of course, I'm not a mom, so I'm just speculating.