Originally posted by bilmore
I think his point is, or was, or should be, that unless the hugely overweight person falls on you, it's not your problem, whereas the drunk usually is.
That simply could not be his point bc I have to assume the AG reading comp is a little better than that and my first point on this convo was that the overweight are driving up my taxes, are slowing my elevator rides, are standing still on the left side of an escalator so that I am forced to stand and I had one more but I cant remember it at the moment bc I am swamped. I also said if they can remove their health issues such as heart attacks and back and knee surgeries from my tax burden, then I dont care if they are fat or not (except for the escalator/elevator thing). They might not be killing me, but they are costing me time, money and on occasion, the ablitiy to get a little exercise myself by walking up the escalator. And dont get me started on the litter I have to look at from the consumers of fast food who think that not only their bodies, but the world, is their garbage can. THoughtless, lazy people.