Originally posted by notcasesensitive
There are many smart, educated women who avoid posting on this board because they don't find fun in arguing with complete strangers about political topics (despite the fact that they even might - gasp - know a lot about those subjects)
That is exactly the point. Many women just don't like this kind of debate. It is too serious for them and they don't like the confrontational aspect to it.
They would rather talk about how people look and what clothes to buy. Even the educated ones, although, I don't count a degree in art history as qualifying one as educated. I wouldn't be surprised if you do, though.
Originally posted by notcasesensitive
because they do not find it fun to argue ad nauseum with people about things that no one will change their minds on.
Yeah, there is a whole lotta mind changing going on on the FB.
Whether we change anyone's mind or not isn't the point of being here. A big part of being here is learning what the other side has to say and learning more about what those who share your political affiliation have to say. Simply because we find that interesting. You just don't get it, though, which was my point to begin with.
Originally posted by notcasesensitive
Tell me that RT or BRC or dtb or leagl or e/o or any number of other female posters here come off as uneducated dingbats.
That isn't the point. It is what you choose to get educated about (i.e., not physics and math) and what you do and do not enjoy doing.
Women with art history degrees don't threaten men. That is an acceptable girly degree to get. It is also an easy degree to get compared to a science or math degree. But those majors, with the exception of biology, are practically devoid of women at the college level. Not a whole lot of women electrical engineering majors, either.
Originally posted by notcasesensitive
And, just so you have your facts straight next time you want to post something inane about the FB, the women there do not give tips about giving a better blow job. Thurgreed is the expert on that count (though I assume his expertise is not based on experience giving them).
No they banter about reality TV.
Hey, I am all for giving out make-up tips and making fun of the way other people look. It is great fun. The issue for me is when that is all you are interested in or when women shy away from more serious discussions.