Originally posted by Not Me
But first things first. They have to prevent the West from getting a foothold in the middle east by establishing a second democracy. Democracy will kill their changes of establishing islamic states.
If that was their top priority, they'd be blowing up the democrats (small d) in Iraq. It's not like there are that many of them. Getting a couple thousand Spaniards out of Iraq is pretty immaterial.
You all assume, curiously, that anyone would have predicted that Spaniards would react to bombing by folding. Not how we would react, and not how they have reacted in the past to ETA. If you take the more plausible view that Spaniards would have rallied around their government, as I suspect we would, then Al Qaeda failed to achieve the intended result.
Ty, you are incredibly naive about the goals of Arab muslims. It is not just the so-called extremist Arab muslims that hate the west. Arab Muslims moderates and extremists alike feel emasculated by what happened centuries ago and blame the West for this.
Moderates and extremists alike are still pissed about what happened in Spain centuries ago and are willing to see what AQ did to the Spanish as divine retribution and a turning of the tide in the favor of islam.
Then it wasn't an attempt to elect Socialists, but revenge against the offspring of Ferdinand and Isabella? Make up your mind, would you.
Thank you for confirming that you are talking out of your ass about what moderate Muslims think.