Originally posted by Sidd Finch
A documentary about the Manson family is a bit different, given that it's an historical piece and not a "current events" show. But if you were to start watching a series called "Killing Spree" I would have similar concerns.
That show would be No. 1 in Neilsen with a bullet, and we all know it.
Why do you think people rubberneck at accident scenes? Some psychiatrist recently published an essay about this, where he said people get many somewhat pleasurable, or somewhat titilating emotions from sad or horrific events. I wish I could find the piece. Basically, he was saying there's a certain strangely satisfying "Thank God that ain't me" reaction people get from seeing bad things happen to others. I think that's the emotion that drives such horrorshow reality programs - a "God, my life really isn't that bad" kick.