So you are a defense attorney, and your client is on trial for murder. The jury comes back from hearing testimony and they find they've been robbed:
Murder Jurors Become Victims of Another Crime
BALTIMORE (AP) — After listening to testimony in a murder case, jurors returned to their jury room to find that they had become victims of a crime — a thief had stolen their money, cell phones and car keys.
So what to do?
Defense lawyer Maureen O'Leary made a motion to have the case declared a mistrial, but the motion was denied.
"If the crime that occurred to the jurors was the same as the crime they were deliberating on that would be one thing," the judge said. "But this incident is too remote."
What the fuck? To get the mistrial the jurors would have to have been murdered? Whether the murder of a smaller percent of the jury, say the alternates, would have been enough is still a case of first impression.