Medicare to Go Broke by 2019, Trustees Predict
How much longer are we going to wait to means test for Medicare? When it is broke? We have to start shifting some of the cost of Medicare onto those who can afford to pay. This ponzi scheme known as social security/medicare is about to crash and burn.
WASHINGTON, March 23 — Medicare's financial condition has significantly deteriorated, partly because of exploding health costs and partly because of the new Medicare law, the government reported today.
In their annual report to Congress, the Medicare board of trustees said the program's hospital insurance trust fund could run out of money before the end of the next decade.
The trustees have made such projections in the past, but this one was much bleaker than the outlook reported just last year.
By contrast, the financial outlook for Social Security, though shaky in the long run, changed little from last year. . . .
IRL I'm Charming.