Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
No argument there. But (1) it sounds like she wasn't being lawyerly since her source of knowledge was her many flights where no such requirement existed and (2) BnB's bitchy response shouldn't have been necessary in the first place.
I'm pretty sure you agree that I'm mostly correct that if it was a matter of BnB being bitchy when the woman politely got her attention and said, "I'm sorry, but can you give me an audible response?" in a polite way, BnB would have been at fault for pulling any crap.
It seems to me, from her story that the FA was annoyed that she was being ignored, tapped on her leg and caught a fucking attitude. No tears lost for her.
Well done, my man. You've bested opposing counsel magnificently. My bow tie is spinning and my cock's harder than a fire hydrant!
Scotches on me. We'll debate whether any of BnB's comments would have been admissable next.
Shoot. Me. In. The. Fucking. Head.