Originally posted by Atticus Grinch
Concur. Also check out Brad Mehlau's jazz combo interpretations of "Exit Music (For a Film)" and "Everything in Its Right Place." Good brunch music. I'd love to hear him do an entire album a la O'Riley.
I don't remember who recommended Modest Mouse, but WTF? That shit is like the lovechild born after Pavement and Negativland DPed They Might Be Giants in a drunken threeway behind the KFC. It has its place, but hardly Paigow's thing.
Well that was me; I'm trying to get people to step outside their musical box here. Mah bad.
A couple of weeks ago, Nic Harcourt played a string quartet version of Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. Turns out there's an entire Flaming Lips tribute string quartet album. Haven't bought it yet, but I'm sure I will. As soon as I sell these Morrissey tickets. Who needs a pair on the floor?