Selective Service: Aloha is right. A LS friend had to pay tuition in cash b/c he had refused to register in the mid-80s and was ineligible for all student loan programs. There was no amnesty; his age at the time (early 30s) was such that he couldn't register anymore. I don't know if he also forfeited social security and Medicare, but it struck me as a very expensive form of protest.
Hummers: Spotted on an H2 license plate at a grocery store the S.F. Bay Area: "YDOUCARE" (can't figure out how they got it to fit). I wanted to take a baseball bat to all the windows.
Minis: It's a $16K car that gets 28/37 mpg and looks good doing it. What's the downside, again? The fact that Sebby thinks I'll be a tool for driving one? The DisAd is non-unique.